Happiness and where to find it


I want to be happy, all the time. When I’m drinking coffee, when I’m sitting behind a desk for hours and when I’m nodding in a meeting that I actually shouldn’t even be attending. Happy. Heart full of joy, smile on my face, positivity on my head. Happy. It’s sounds like a pretty easy task right? Happiness. But it really is easier said than done.

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To the girl in her mid 20’s


You’ve spent years daydreaming about this phase in your life. Thinking about the dream job you’d have. The funny friends and funnier partner. Your life would be so Insta perfect it would seem too good to be true. But you would work hard for it, you would achieve all those life goals and come out on top. Because you’re hardworking. Determined. Tenacious. And that’s the road to success right?

But here you are and your life is anything but a dream. It’s a below average reality you never imagined living.

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